If you have issues activating OBDwiz, try the steps in this article to resolve the problem.
This article contains the following sections:
- First time using OBDwiz
- Lost your original OBDwiz license key
- Install OBDwiz software on a new computer
- Too many activations error message
First time using OBDwiz
If this is your first time using OBDwiz, we recommend you follow the detailed steps for installing and using OBDwiz in Get Started with Your OBDLink® Adapter (Windows).
Lost your original OBDwiz license key
With previous releases of OBDwiz, the license keys were printed out and included with your OBDLink® adapter. If you have lost this printout, this is not a problem because OBDwiz now has a key activation process. Follow the steps below to obtain a new license key.
- Ensure your PC is connected to the internet and your OBDLink adapter is connected to your vehicle.
- Navigate to OBDwiz > Settings > About > License > Activation > I am a new OBDLink user and click Next.
- Enter your first and last name, company name (optional), and email address. Click Next.
- Click Finish to generate a new license and connect to OBDwiz.
Install OBDwiz software on a new computer
If you are installing OBDwiz on a new computer and you know your activation code, follow the steps below:
- Ensure your PC is connected to the internet and your OBDLink adapter is connected to your vehicle.
- Navigate to OBDwiz > Settings > About > License > Activation > I am upgrading from a previous version and click Next.
- Enter your first and last name, company name (optional), and email address. Click Next.
- Enter your license key in the dialog box and click Next.
- Click Finish to connect to OBDwiz.
Too many activations error message
OBDwiz comes with three activations. You may run into problems if you attempt to install OBDwiz on more than three computers. If this happens, OBDwiz displays an error message: This code cannot be activated because there are too many activations for this code.
To resolve this error, submit a support ticket and include your activation code.
Learn more
- Find detailed steps for installing and using OBDwiz in Get Started with Your OBDLink® Adapter (Windows).
- For descriptions of terms used in this article, see the Glossary of Acronyms and Terms.
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